Primary Application

            Massanutten Association of REALTORS® Membership Application
106 West Spring Street, Woodstock, VA  22664   Phone: (540) 459-2937 FAX: (540) 459-4267

Business/Personal Information                                __ X_____    Primary                     (Type of membership applying for)

First Name: ________________________ Middle: ___________________ Last: ________________________

Nickname______________________________     Gender:   Male _______  Female ___________

Date of Birth ____/___/_____                                   Driver’s License Number: _________________________

Stop E-mail: ______Yes ______No

(Check Yes if you do not want to receive e-mail from National, State or Local Associations)

Office Name: ______________________________________________________________________________

Office Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ___________________

Office Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________

(If different than office street address i.e. P.O. Box)

Home Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: ___________________

E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

Home Ph (       )________________  Cell Ph (     ) ________________  Office Ph (     ) ___________________

 Office Fax (      )_____________________  Personal Fax (     )_________________

I prefer to receive Association Fax at: _______Office Fax _______Personal Fax

Stop Fax ______Yes ______No

(Check Yes if you do not want to receive Fax from National, State or Local Associations)

I prefer to receive my Association mail: ________Office Street    ________Office Mail    _________Home

(Including my Commonwealth Magazine)

Web Page: _____________________________________________ (Internet address for member’s web page)


Real Estate License Number: ___________________________________________________________

Other State Real Estate License Number:__________________________________________________

Designations: ____________________________________________ (REALTOR® Designations received by member)

Affiliations: __________________________________________ (Societies and councils update designation information)

I prefer to receive Association phone calls at: _______Office _______Home ________ Cell

Are you a member of any other real estate Association(s) Yes  No

If yes, state name(s) of other Association(s) and type(s) of membership held: ______________________________

Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor not including traffic violations?__________________


Highest Level of Education: (check one)      Grammar School     High School
College————-  No Degree———————-  College Degree
Graduate School————–  No Degree ———————— Graduate Degree

Indicate your main field of study: (check one)
 Real Estate    Agriculture    Finance
 Management    Fine Arts    Education
 Liberal Arts    Marketing    Medicine
 Humanities    Accounting    Economics
 Business    Social Science    Engineering
 Law     Physical Science   Communications

 Other ________________________________________________________

If my application is approved, I agree as a condition of membership to complete the indoctrination course of the Massanutten Association, if any, and otherwise on my own initiative to thoroughly familiarize myself with the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®, including the duty to arbitrate business disputes in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual of the Association and the Constitution, Bylaws and rules and Regulations of the above named association, the State Association and the National Association. I further agree to complete satisfactorily a reasonable and nondiscriminatory written examination covering such Code, Constitution, Bylaws, Rules and regulations, and to duly arbitrate. I further agree that my act of paying dues shall evidence my initial and continuing commitment to abide by the aforementioned Code of Ethics, Constitution, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and duty to arbitrate, all as from time to time amended.

Finally, I ________________________________________ authorize the Massanutten Association, through its Membership (Applicant’s Name)

Committee or otherwise to invite and receive information and comment about me from any Member or other person, and I agree that any information and comment furnished to the Association by any Member or other person in response to any such inquiry shall be conclusively deemed to be privileged and not form the basis of any action by me for slander, liable or defamation of character.

NOTE:  Applicant acknowledges that if accepted as a Member and he/she subsequently resigns or is expelled from membership in the Association with an ethics complaint or arbitration complaint or arbitration request pending, the Board f Directors may condition renewal of membership upon applicant’s verification that he/she will submit to pending ethics or arbitration proceeding and will abide by the decision of the Hearing Panel; or, if applicant resigns or is expelled from membership without having complied with an award in arbitration, the Board of Directors may condition the renewal on his/her payment of the award, plus any costs that have previously been established as fee and payable in relation thereto, provided that the award and such costs have not, in the interim, been otherwise satisfied.


Signature of Applicant: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________

I confirm that I have read and understand this application and that all the information provided is true and correct to the best of knowledge 

Massanutten Association Use Only

Transaction Type: ______                 Transfer____________

Member Type:  _________Primary ____Broker    ____Sales Agent

NRDS ID #___________________________________________________________


New Member Fee   $200.00  (One Time)       

NEW VAR Process one-time fee  $100.00                       If you just got your License or have never practiced in Virginia.

Month Joined ______________              (Please find fee schedule on next page)

Association Fee Primary    $_________       NAR  $_________  VAR  $_________
CC     Please call if you want to pay this way, 
Make checks payable to Massanutten Association of REALTORS or MAR

TOTAL DUE  $________    DATE PAID ____________________





                                             Monthly Breakdown


If you are not a Broker your Broker must join to become a Primary.

Prorated fees for each Month.


New Member Fee   $200.00  (One Time)        A new member is defined as any individual who has not paid dues to any REALTOR® Association, or any individual who has not paid dues to Massnautten Association of REALTORS® for the previous calendar year, or a REALTOR® who just received their license.


NEW VAR Process one-time fee  $100.00 (One Time)       If you just got your License or have never practiced in Virginia

Monthly Breakdown

January – MAR $150.00
NAR $120.00 plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated) = $155.00
VAR $110.00 plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated) = $120.00

February – MAR $137.50
NAR $110.00 plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated) = $145.00
VAR $110.00 plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated) = $120.00

March – MAR $125.00
NAR $100.00  plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated)  = $135.00
VAR $110.00 plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated) = $120.00

April – MAR $112.50
NAR $90.00  plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated)  = $125.00
VAR $82.50  plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated) = $92.50

May –  MAR $100.00
NAR $80.00  plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated)  = $115.00
VAR $82.50  plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated) = $92.50

June – MAR $87.50
NAR $70.00  plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated) = $105.00
VAR $82.50  plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated)  = $92.50

July – MAR $75.00
NAR $60.00  plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated) = $95.00
VAR $55.00 plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated) = $65.00

August – MAR $62.50
NAR $50.00 plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated) = $85.00
VAR $55.00 plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated) = $65.00

September – MAR $50.00
NAR $40.00  plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated) = $75.00
VAR $55.00  plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated)  = $65.00

October –  MAR $37.50
NAR $30.00 plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated) = $65.00
VAR $27.50 plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated) = 37.50

November – MAR $25.00
NAR $20.00  plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated) = $55.00
VAR $27.50 plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated)  = $37.50

December – MAR $12.50
NAR $10.00  plus the $35.00 Public Awareness Campaign Assessment (not prorated) = $45.00
VAR $27.50 plus the $10.00 Issues Mobilization Fee (not prorated) = 37.50

Please call if you have any questions  (540) 459-2937
Other fees will apply only after you have become a member, such as MRIS ($295.00 one time fee and $165.00 a quarter) (These fees will be paid on line to the provider.) This is to be done online only after the Board Office has called/emailed and given instructions and Sentri ($12.00 a month)